If you’re currently experiencing this error then you are most likely frustrated by now, Yeah, that’s the same way I was before I finally found out how to fix keep your account safe Facebook problem,
So I’ll be showing you exactly how you can bypass this hurdle.
Suspected Causes of the Problem
Now, the cause of this problem may vary but in my own case it was because I changed my phone to a new one, then I deactivated the 2FA on Facebook on my old phone, So maybe Facebook Security system was triggered in the process, hence why i had the problem on my account.
Ways to Fix Keep Your account Safe on Facebook
There are 2 methods I know in which one can solve this Keep your account safe Facebook problem, One is through your browser and another is through Instagram, so let’s get into it.
Method 1: How to fix Keep your account safe Facebook problem with Browser
1. To Solve this issues in this method you need to simply Open your Browser e.g Chrome Browser or any one of your choice and visit (https://facebook.com) on your Phone
2. When you’re on Facebook simply tap on the tree vertical dots on the top right of your screen and tick the box that says Enable Desktop mode or Desktop Site.

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3. After you’ve done that it your page should now display in Desktop mode as in below screenshot, Now input your Facebook login information and proceed

4. After logging in you’ll be met with this Keep Your Account Safe Screen, Click on Enable Two-Factor Authentication

5. After Clicking on the 2FA, You’ll then arrive at the 2FA Screen, Now Choose the Text Message Option.

6. After Choosing, A Verification Code will be sent to your on Facebook Phone Number Copy and Paste the Code sent to you into the box provided. Once it’s Verified Then You’ll be able to Log into your account back.
If are having issues understanding it Click Here to see a Video tutorial about this method.
Method 2: How to Fix Keep your account safe Facebook problem with Instagram
This second method is quite easy aswell , but You must have to linked your Facebook account to your Instagram account.
If your Facebook account is linked to your Instagram account then Follow the Steps below
1. Open your Instagram app and tap on the top right menu corner and Click Settings and Privacy Option

2. After that Click on the Accounts Center.

3. In the Account Center, Click on Your Information and Permissions.

4. After that, Click on Account Ownership and Control

5. In the Account Ownership and Control Select Deactivation or Deletion

6. Now Select Deactivate Account, I Know what You’re thinking but don’t worry nothing will happen to your account.

7. In the Next Page Choose This is Temporary. I’ll be back. Option

8. In this Next Page, Select Don’t reactivate Automatically in the Dropbox

9. In this Final Page, click on Deactivate my Account

10. Once You’ve Deactivated your account, Now, go to Facebook and login, Your Facebook account will now Logged in with out any of the Keep your Account Safe Facebook Problem Anymore.
If didn’t understand the procedure Properly Click Here or Watch The Video Below.
Conclusion on How to Fix Keep Your Account Safe Facebook problem
So with the two procedures I’ve explained, You’ll be able to Fix the Keep your account safe Facebook problem, if you haven’t linked your Facebook account to Instagram for the 2nd method, Try Linking it and if it doesn’t work, kindly Fallback to the First Method. 👍🏾